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Malaysia's Vision 2020

By:David Lang

Can Muslims Keep Dogs As Pets?

The Gentleness Of Malay Women>More Here

Jakim Tells Pet Dog Owner To Repent>More

Jakim Tells Pet Dog Owner To Repent>More

How Israel Can Stop Roket Firings From Gaza Strip>More

A Stray Dog Crashes An Orchestra And Steals The Show>More

Readers Write

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If you have a comment feel free to Email Us

Or, if you have a story that you want visitors to this blog to hear about.  An incident of cruelty, or kindness, that you have witnessed happen to an animal. An incident when you prevented a snake from being beaten to death by an ignorant man; how you captured the reptile and took to release it in a nearby jungle.

Or, you went to fill up your tank and witnessed a group of the gas station workers about to kill a green snake. You know green snakes, like the one you saw at the gas station, are harmless, so you intervened. You saved the animal in the nick of time. You captured and took it to a nearby forest to let it slither away to safety.

Or, you have a relative with influence in a highway concessionaire, which is building or is going to build express roads or highways as they are commonly called, tell us how you persuaded the the concessionary company to show compassion for wildife in the jungle and hills they need to cut to make way for the highways, by building underpasses for the animals to use to cross from one side to the other without being hit by fast vehicles and having their innards strewn all over the place.

Well, any story will do provided you have the right or permission to use it.

Although this blog is about animals - Dogs & Cats - we do not mind if our visitors were to send other stories unrelated to animals. We will even accept a fiction, as long as (we can not stress enough) you own it or have permission to use it.

So what are you waiting for, let us hear from you!

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