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Malaysia's Vision 2020

By:David Lang

Can Muslims Keep Dogs As Pets?

The Gentleness Of Malay Women>More Here

Jakim Tells Pet Dog Owner To Repent>More

Jakim Tells Pet Dog Owner To Repent>More

How Israel Can Stop Roket Firings From Gaza Strip>More

A Stray Dog Crashes An Orchestra And Steals The Show>More

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fund Raising Campaign For Stray Cats

Campaign to raise funds for cats care center. Please give a helping hand.

This is a donation drive; to raise funds for caring for about 70 cats. I am running out of money. My life saving which I have been relying on for more than a decade to run this center, to help ensure these stray cats have at least one meal per day and their medical needs attended to, is almost gone.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Welfare Home for Seventy Cats

Welfare Home for Seventy Cats

Yes, you heard me. I am the owner and operator of the above Welfare home for cats.

Circumstances forced me to end up with the cats (and there were 11 dogs too).

The house was not even a properly built house when I came to own it; it's a shed of some iron frame structure covered with tarpauline roof. The reason I came to own it was because when the Lum Wah Ee hispital building was under construction, the owner was asked to vacate the shed and he tried to sell the iron frame structure and the tarpualine sheet to the highest buyer. I was one of the bidders besides Indian scrap dealers.

There were cats every where, all over the place.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Six gems

Family wants dogs put down

Patricia Sullivan-Vaucher, sister of Maurice Sullivan, the Irish tourist who was mauled to death at a Penang farm in January, wrote in an open letter that the family wants a closure to this sad event, and it should start with the death of the guilty dogs.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Who am I (actually)?

Well, actually I have written a few articles about who I am and how I came to be the way I am. But I just want to add that my day starts and ends with cats, everyday -- rain or shine.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Jenny and Kitty's story (How a Persian Cat changed a woman)

Hillside, Tanjong Bungah Year 2000

When I moved to my new house at Jalan Sungai Kelian which I had just bought after toiling for years to make it happen, I was aesthetic.

Friday, July 15, 2011

How a puppy made a difference in my life

In my younger days I repaired refrigerators and air conditioners as a way to earn a living. As I was doing well I became visible as a well-to-do man. Although I was proud of my achievement, I became the targets of charity seekers, who would descend on my shop with their motorbikes' fuel tank covers open, expecting me to do the needful (give them money to fill up). I never failed to oblige, though. Back then, unlike now, I could afford to be a bit generous.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

About who is behind Dogs & Cats website

A little about me.
In a nutshell, I am an animal lover like no other.
I love all animals -- be they dogs, cats, or birds; any animal that moves.
I am concerned for their welfare; and will do anything to protect them, help them.
In those days when my work (fixing refrigerators)took me to people's houses, I usually ended up in their kitchens.
And while working on the fridges I was never too busy to mind other people's business. I glanced around to check on the owners' vices. Discreetly of course. If he or she showed tendency to be cruel to animals, I was not afraid to voice my views and tried my best to convert him or her.
For example, one day I went to the house of a former manager of Malayan Banking's Weld Quay branch.
As soon as I entered the house, I heard something which might be perhaps sweet music to Mr. Lim's ears, but to mine they were distressing noise -- of a bird sentenced to die in a cage.
While fixing his refrigerator, I called Mr. Lim into his kitchen to discuss our old time dealings when he was the manger of the branch I used. Then I launched my attack!
I started by asking whether he has ever gone to prison. He said no, and I believed him.
Next, I asked him if he knew how hard is life in prison, he said he could imagine. I believed him. Then, I pounced on him and accused of being a callous person whose heart was made of stone. Although he knew prison life was a torture, yet he could still subject his bird to such a horrible condition.
I asked if he knew his bird suffered more than human prisoners? This time he turned silent; he couldn't answer. I told him to answer me how long he sentenced his poor pet to stay in the cage; one year, five, 20 years? Whether he ever thought of releasing the bird by himself. What crime did the bird commit? I told him for humans, if the judges hammer down 5 years that's all they have serve. But alas, for the birds they languish in their cages (prisons) until they die.
While in his prison his bird missed the life of being a bird: he could not fly; he could find the best worms; he could not mate and have the thrill of having chicks to foray for foods for; he could not bathe in a stream and frolic to its heart's content; he or she could not find their favorite cherries in the forests -- in short he or she was just a plaything for the man who keeps up with the Joneses.
My mission at Mr. Lim's house that day was a success. I managed to fix his fridge and was paid; he also promised to think and ponder over my sermon.
Mr. Lim decided to follow my advice and release the bird into a nearby jungle!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

About this blog (Dog & Cats)

This website was set up with dogs and cats in mind; hence the name.

Why Dogs & Cats, you may ask; why not Cats and Dogs, for instance? Well, the answer is: Dogs deserve to be where they are -- in this case, the number one spot.

We can call this blog any name we want; so long as the original objectives remain the same; we can even, yes, call it Cats & Dogs. Why not? So, we decided to name this blog Dogs and Cats, as we should.

Dogs have been around a long time now. Since time immemorial, dogs have figured in man's live, our lives. Dogs have been, are, and will continue to be, figures of love, loyalty, obedience, steadfastness, dedication, strength and bravery, and indispensability for all mankind.

In our lives we need dogs to give us love or companionship which we (sometimes)lack; in return, we give them the same, foods and shelters.

Some people keep dogs to deter intruders and protect themselves from harms. While others need dogs to get around physical disabilities. Needless to say, without the assistance that dogs provide life would be hard, or nightmarish, for many, the blind and the severely handicapped.

In sports, game, or wars, dogs have been known to be indispensable and in the forefronts. They are the pathfinders; they are employed to do things that man can't or won't do: like testing the mine fields for mines.

I could go on and on about why our lives would be a lot more complicated if not for the (presence of) dogs.

If someone were to say we probably won't be here today if not for the canines, I say he can say that again.

In fact, this article will end with a related story.

During the WW2, believe or not, a single-handed, heroic deeds of a dog, a female dog, made a difference to that war with a telling effect.

While hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of brave men and women in uniforms waited, or languished, in camps or ships waiting for orders to march or attack, and then to be cut down in waves after waves of futile attempts to overcome the German army, there was another drama played out at a different venue differently yet with the same goal.

It was found (to the dismay of Allied commanders) that it would be difficult, if not almost impossible, to move forward, which was necessary for the offensives (to defeat Nazi Germany) to regain the momentum, unless the 88mm guns that the Germans hid in a cave on a hill overlooking the stand-off points (that could decide the war), and the machine gun nests that protected them, were silenced.

No efforts were spared to do just that. The best of men or commandos were thrown in and sacrificed, but to no avail. But unless something was done, and done speedily, the danger was clear and present the wounded German army could gain time to recoup and that would be too disastrous to let it happen.

The Allied Supreme commanders called together all the top brains they could find to come up with a plan, an iron-clad plan, if you will. They decided to use a dog!

There was was one snag; how to find such a dog and in such a hurry. A dog that has the agility, bravery, smartness and strength to kill six men in seconds. There were six machine-gunners protecting the big guns and, who knows, may be they too are strong and smart; the risks were high, but so were the stakes.

To cut the story short, a bitch, large bitch undoubtedly, was found, specially trained and sent on the mission.

The result as they say was history.

According to the report, the super dog managed to successfully approach and then kill all six men, yes, within seconds.

The dog was awarded a medal, if not medals, of honor and taken back to US to live until her natural death.

The exploits of dogs during wars and rescue operations were (and are) well-known and documented.

With this story, I hope people who are prone to be cruel to dogs (or cats) by hitting them, putting them in cages all their lives, tying them to a post in the sun, or tying the end of the leashes too high for the canines to move or sit down, or throwing only bread crumbs for them to eat, will change and be kinder. To them, I wish to say: "Thank you."

Please don't forget they are our best friends!

During my heyday, when I was younger and richer, I was literally in the forefront of care-givers to animals (mostly dogs and cats; the Chinese called me Meow Ong or Kau Ong (Cat or dog king. Back then I never hesitated to spend any amount on strays.

But I was impressed by the unexpected action of an American called Chad. He accosted me during my rounds, which he claimed he had been watching for sometime: "Hello, David! I appreciate what you've been doing. Here's what I am going to do: I'm going to empty my wallet; what's inside is yours." I counted $80.00!

Chad! if you happen to read this, I wish to thank you again for the $80/-.Thank you.

If you would like to help animals you can rely on me. Please click the donation button; even just a dollar will be much appreciated.

Welfare Home for Cats